Monday, July 02, 2007

Elastix asterisk pbx gui

Flex-ible Amazon

Today i almost completed the as3 api for amazon ecs. Using the api you would be able to do ItemSearch, CreateCart, ItemLookup, CartAdd and CartRemove in flex and flash cs3. I will be soon uploading the code on google code. If anyone wishes to use it send me a mail at and i will mail you back the alpha code. This api was written as there were hardly any as3 based api for amazon ecs, though there are some like Raghunath's example to do item search but even that has errors due to reccent change in amazon ecs.

Asterisk On Rails

Kind of like peanut butter and chocolate…RoR and Asterisk seem to go together very nicely, if you’re looking for rapid deployment of voice/web applications. Joe Heitzeberg just gave a very hands-on presentation on RAGI, an open-source framework for bridging the Ruby on Rails web application server environment and Asterisk. With the use of a screencast, Joe walked the audience through creating a simple app that queried a web page for package tracking info and offered that information up via a dial-up telephone interface using Asterisk. It took all of about 30 minutes, and half of that was explaining the steps. If you want to experiment with tying voice to web apps or need a rapid voice development platform, you should definitely check out RAGI.